September 27

Chris and I were snuggling with all three kids in the bed this morning, and we decided that we needed to do something awesome today. After much debate, we ended up packing a picnic and heading to an Oktoberfest celebration nearby.

The highlights included lots of fun things to look at, cheerleaders/gymnasts to watch, and lots of dogs to entertain Lily. Oh, and music. When we arrived, a bluegrass band was playing; when we ate lunch, we were right between two different polka bands.

Chris took this video of me dancing with the girls - Lily wrapped on my back, and Daisy in my arms:
We had a lot of fun. I know that at one point in the video, it looks like poor Lily's head is wobbling uncomfortably all over the place, but she was actually doing that on purpose. It was her way of participating in the dancing, I think.

The low point was when Caleb realized that we were not, in fact, going to pay so that he could play on all of the inflatables and eat all of the ice cream. Fortunately, he didn't come to that realization until we were leaving, so the fussing and whining was short-lived. I understand his disappointment, though, and if we had money to throw around, I would totally have bought everyone treats and rides and games, because how fun is that? But we don't. So in the car on the way home, we decided to have a special mid-day treat of homemade brownies and ice cream. I also encouraged Caleb to brainstorm some ideas for other awesome things (free ones, that is) that we could do today. 

He came up with swimming at the YMCA and going fishing. 

So while the girls napped, Chris took Caleb to the Y, where they swam and played basketball. They returned right after the girls woke up, and Chris took Caleb and Daisy fishing in the pond behind our house. Daisy had never been fishing before, so Lily and I tagged along with the camera.

They were on the opposite side of the pond, so I got a picture of them from afar.

Chris brought some gluten-free bread crust, and Daisy fed it to the fish and geese. I was skeptical, but surprisingly, they liked it!

Caleb took his turn first. 
(Can you tell I gave him a haircut this afternoon? The front is a bit short, but that's okay.)

While she waited for her turn, Daisy played with my camera. She got this picture of me, with Lily on my back.

Then it was Daisy's turn.

She caught the first fish of the day - her very first fish!

You never know how a kid will react to the sight of a fish struggling on the line, but Daisy was thrilled with the whole thing.

She was so excited. SO. EXCITED.

After Chris released the fish back into the pond, Daisy gave him a high five.

Caleb took another turn,

and caught his first fish of the day!

That, dear readers, is one happy boy.

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