December 4

I have so many fun pictures to post today!

But first, business. Today is Daisy's seven-month birthday!

I know I'm partial, but seriously: how cute is she???

Here's a look back at Daisy's cuteness as it developed.: 

At seven months, Daisy is the sweetest, easiest baby. She's remarkably cheerful and content, and will happily sit and play by herself with toys for quite a while if we let her. She wakes up when Chris gets up for work in the morning and plays with him while he gets ready. When he leaves, she takes a nap, then will take a long afternoon nap while Caleb naps. Some evenings, she takes a little catnap, too. It seems that her general rule is that she prefers to be awake when everyone else is awake.

She also still prefers to nurse all night long, snuggled in bed next to me. I'm starting to feel guilty that I always nurse her to sleep, so that may change once we move to the new house and she has her own bedroom.

Right now, Daisy loves:
the cat
playing with percussion toys
bathtime with Daddy
balls and cars (can you tell she has a big brother?)

See? Ball.

And chewing!

Today she started trying to scoot. She's also trying to get her legs underneath her to crawl, so it will be interesting to see which mode of transportation wins out. If you remember, Caleb was a scooter. I think our smooth floors will make scooting easier for her than crawling, but I'm praying she still chooses crawling. Caleb's scooting was a little embarrassing...

Now, on to other things.
This happened at church today:

Yep. Take in all of the awesomeness, people.
Shall I point out the best details for you?
live camel
live goat (? Lamb?) that looks remarkably like it's wearing Caleb's Halloween costume last year... 
table-cloth costumes and headgear for Chris, Caleb and me
Daisy, screaming miserably (she was well beyond naptime)
cardboard cutout of Jesus as the karate kid

I think those are the highlights. I'd like to give a shout-out to my friend who took the picture, but something gives me the impression that she's a tad embarrassed by it. I'm not sure why, though. I love it!

Later, we set up our Christmas tree. With all the hubub going on with the new house, we debated not even messing with the tree. In the end, we decided it would be ridiculous to deprive our children of a Christmas tree. We made the right choice.

Caleb found the box of Chris' special ornaments from his childhood, and was instantly in love. He spent all evening playing with this set of teddy bears riding a wagon, tricycle, and wheelbarrow.

Daisy was fascinated by the light-up Christmas tree Grandmother gave Caleb for his first Christmas.

It is pretty cool.

Then I showed her the big Christmas tree, and she liked it just as much as the little one.

And Caleb kept playing with the ornaments.
(He refused to put them down when it was time to go upstairs for bathtime and bedtime. Finally, we convinced him that Baby Jesus, of his Little People nativity, wanted to play with them. So he shared his beloved ornaments with Baby Jesus.)

Dinner was pad thai shrimp, with a spicy peanut sauce. 
Daisy loved it!

Actually, she mostly loved the snow peas, coated in the peanut sauce. Fun!

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