October 26

How about lots of pictures today?

Do you remember how the pictures I posted yesterday featured Caleb wearing shorts and Daisy in a sleeveless dress? Today, we've got snow boots, hats, and coats. It's one of the many reasons I love living in the midwest.

First, Caleb chose the brown hat. The mittens were also his choice; he saw that I had mittens on, and he wanted some of his own. Luckily, I had a brand-new pair waiting for him.

Then, while I was inside getting warmer clothes for Daisy, he took off the brown hat and donned the green hat. He put it on by himself, and was totally content to run around with it on this way. Wouldn't you think he'd be bothered by the fact that he could barely see?
He wasn't.

I was bothered by it, though, so I fixed it for him. Then I reminded him that this hat was a gift from his GREAT Aunt Maggie. In this photo, he's saying, "I love you, Maggie!"

Daisy, in her too-small-because-she's-so-stinking-tall snowsuit. All of the snowsuits we have are size 3-6 months. Guess I'll have to start looking for a new one! Also, her pom-pom boots are completely hilarious. They are never-worn hand-me-downs from a friend of a friend, and they are two sizes too big, but they stay on, they keep her feet warm, they make me laugh, and she loves to chew them. It's a win all around!

How about another hat for Caleb?
He saw Daisy's snowboots and wanted to wear them. He didn't understand that they were too small, so to avert a tantrum I offered to fetch his snowboots. Crisis averted, and in the meantime I found this hat that was also a gift from Maggie. I'm so glad it still fits!

Later, we decided it was time to prepare for tonight's Game 5 of the World Series (before it had been postponed due to inclement weather).

Yesterday, I saw on Facebook that CottonBabies had created special-edition baseball diapers. Of course my little baseball fan needed one, so I immediately texted Chris that he needed to go to the CottonBabies store on his way home from work to pick one up for Caleb.

See the baseball stitching around the edges?

Then I realized that two baseball diapers would be even cuter than one, so I texted him again and told him to get one for Daisy, too.

It was a good choice.
(Here, she wants the baseball, but he doesn't want to give it to her. She's fussing, so he's kissing her to make her stop crying. But no way can she have the ball.)

Really, I probably could have made the diapers myself - we have both white diapers and red embroidery floss. But I never would have gotten around to doing it, and it's nice that they have the diapers just in time for the Cardinals to win the World Series. (Because they will. Caleb has decreed it. Tonight he ran around his room, cheering, "YAY! CARDINALS WIN! HOORAY!")

Unfortunately, the adorable baseball stitching doesn't show up too well on camera.

But trust me, it's cute.

Almost as cute as watching this little boy teach his sister about baseball.

She totally wants that ball.
He's totally not giving it to her.

But wait!
He hesitantly handed it over.
She immediately put her mouth on it.
He freaked out.
 And so it goes.

That's a better choice, Daisy. Caleb won't scream if you chew on your foot.

Hey LaRussa - she's ready! Put her in, and she'll bring home a winner. She just has to learn to walk first...

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